Goals for today, goals for tomorrow, goals for 5 years from now... I think without them I'd feel alot like a boat with no anchor or sails, drifting around and hoping to wash up on some favourable island. I don't know how people do it. People without concrete aspirations. It's not necessarily a bad thing to not be one of those goal-planner, list-maker kind of people, it's just something I don't think I could not do. That list of 100 things (first post of this blog, entitled "The Challenge") is like looking up at a mountain. But the thing is it's a mountain that, because I've laid it all out, I know the face of. I can see where all my footholds are. I can see what peaks I'm going to have to tackle first. So in the end I know, like everything else, it's not going to be nearly as hard as it looks.
Take today as an example. Here are my goals for the day:
- Call the fertility clinic and ask them abount treatment costs, etc, for my ethics paper
- Go to school for my ecology class (take notes that reflect "getting it," if not every single detail)
- Eat a big lunch so I can...
- Head to the library and write at least 2 more pages of my ethics paper, and clear up the gobbledy-gook of the 6 pages I have so far
- Edit my genetics lab partner's paper a little bit more
- Dinner
- Review Human Anatomy for my study period tomorrow night.
And that, if all goes well, will be my day. Looks like alot of stuff, but with 24 hours in a day, and a set of hours to do within it, it's more than reasonable. I think. I've been running myself ragged lately with deadlines. It's March! March should be this nice, gentle push towards finals, and instead it's like a hundred meter sprint. My immune system is not happy, and neither is my skin. I have this nice pompei-esque zit right between my eyes... last time I checked being a cyclops was never sexy. Add that to laryngitis which is giving way to a hacking cough. Yep, I'm gonna be THAT girl in the library. I have no choice though, shit isn't going to get done if I don't go there.
On another note, goal oriented again, it seems I'm going to have to spend most of my summer here instead of going back home to the family. One of my (very difficult) pre-requisites is being offered in the summer, and if I can take it then and not have the pressure of 3 other courses, I have to. The only lame thing is it's five days a week, but only one hour a day. 50 minutes. Out of my 24 hour day, I have to stay here because 50 minutes of it is Biochem 300A. Blah. I'll also be studying for my MCAT, which reminds me, I still need to register to take it. I'm thinking end of August should give me enough time to prepare. But yeah, looks like I'm spending a summer here. At least the free time will give me time to train for TKD on my own. In the summer. When it's not so cold like now. Anyways, off to the races!
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